Professional Speaking

Breeda Miller Caregiver Support

Powerful Key Notes and Engaging Programs

Do you need a speaker who can engage, educate and entertain your participants? Breeda Miller is a savvy professional speaker who can deliver a powerful keynote, an interactive breakout session or serve the key role of event host or MC. Your participants will remember Breeda’s stories and the messages behind them long after the swag bag has been stored away.

Breeda has created two tracks of programs designed to help people develop strategies for self care and prevent burnout. Whether you are serving professional or family caregivers, Breeda has a program that is the perfect fit.

Breeda's Speaker Reel

Breeda Miller harnesses the power of story, good humor and inspiration to help people navigate difficult and challenging roles while figuring out how to care for themselves.

  • Self Care Strategies for Professional and Family Caregivers
  • Finding the Light During Dark Days
  • Preventing Burnout
Play Video

Caregiver Retreat Day

Mrs Kelly - final_square-color

The Ultimate Caregiver Retreat Day

A full day of engagement, entertainment and education for your attendees and you just need to book one speaker: Breeda Kelly Miller.

Imagine a room filled with caregivers who are taking a break from their daily roles and simply enjoying a play filled with laughs, heart-warming stories, and lessons to live by. That's what Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home will provide.

The Caregiver Retreat is a full-day centered around Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home, the award-winning play written and performed by Breeda Kelly Miller. Here's a peek at what the day looks like. We can certainly adjust and customize for your needs.

An innovative and creative way to engage, entertain and teach family caregivers about self-care without hitting them over the head and making them feel guilty about what they are not doing.

Example agenda:

  • 9:00 am - Vendor booths, Coffee break items
  • 10:00 am - Activity presented by host organization - meditation, stretching, Discussion of services available.
  • 11:00 am - Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home performance, Act 1
  • 12 noon - Lunch and table discussions of Act 1; Vendor booths open
  • 1 pm -  Mrs. Kelly's Journey Home performance. Act 2
  • 1:40 pm - Breeda Miller Speaking - a lively talk back session with audience about the play, Q & A and lots of audience participation/reactions'/stories
  • 2:30 - Afternoon Break - coffee and snacks; Vendor booths open
  • 3:30 - Closing notes; Drawing for prizes donated by vendors
  • 3:45 pm - Event concludes
Contact Breeda Miller for booking information: breeda or (734) 428-0847.

Key Notes & Programs

Finding the Light During Dark Days

  • Program Type

    Keynote Program | Virtual or In-Person

  • Length

    45 minutes

  • Topic Areas

    Burnout prevention, self care, wellness, stress reduction

  • Description

    A dynamic program that engages audience members with stories and creative solutions to the everyday challenges of caregiving. Breeda's approach inspires audiences to take action and commit to improved self-care.

    Geared toward professionals working with other people in supportive industries.  Stories and examples are customized to each industry.

    The message is that self-care isn’t selfish – it is survival. Using funny and memorable props, Breeda uses a light-hearted approach to tackle serious issues.

    Using compelling storytelling as a framework, Breeda presents actionable ideas that participants will remember long after the event is over.

    Breeda's unique approach resonates and inspires action. An engaging, fun and high impact program

    In addition to her presentation, you may include a copy of her new Take a Break Before You Break tip book for each attendee.

  • Audiences

    This program is ideal for...

  • Conferences seeking an inspiring and humorous keynote speaker
  • Forward-thinking companies who seek to offer stress management programs
  • Health care professionals
  • Social Workers
  • Teachers
  • Funeral Industry professionals
  • Non profit organizations
  • Women’s organizations
  • Event Planners (!)

Take A Break Before You Break for Professionals

  • Program Type

    Interactive Workshop or Breakout Session  |  Virtual or In-Person

  • Length

    60-90 minutes

  • Topic Areas

    Burnout prevention, self care, wellness, stress reduction

  • Description

    A highly interactive dynamic session that engages audience members with stories and creative solutions to the everyday challenges of caregiving. Breeda's approach inspires audiences to take action and commit to improved self-care.

    Geared toward professionals working with other people in supportive industries. The message is that self-care isn’t selfish – it is survival.  Using funny and memorable props, Breeda uses a light-hearted approach to tackle serious issues.

    Using a variety of audience engagement techniques, Breeda presents actionable ideas that participants will remember long after the event is over. Small group work, audience participation, fun props, games and call backs keep the energy level up and the learning on going.

    Breeda's unique approach resonates and inspires action.  An engaging, fun and high impact program.

    In addition to her presentation, you may include a copy of her new Take a Break Before You Break tip book for each attendee.

  • Outcomes

    Participants will learn to recognize when they are beginning to burn out and or not be as productive or effective as they have been.

    Participants will understand the impact and value of consistent self care strategies

    Participants will learn different methods and styles to create their own self care plan.

    Participants will develop their own action plan to implement their self care strategies.

  • Audiences

    This program is ideal for...

  • Conferences seeking an inspiring and humorous workshop or breakout session.
  • Health care professionals
  • Social Workers
  • Teachers
  • Funeral Industry professionals
  • Non profit organizations
  • Women’s organizations
  • Event Planners (!)

Caregiver Support Programs

Organizations who seek to support family caregivers, to help them function at their best love these programs.  This program is ideally suited for virtual presentations, as caregivers are often challenged to find ways to leave their loved one to attend a support event in person.  This program brings the impact, value and engagement right into their home.

Two options to consider:

  1. A recorded program that caregivers may view within a prescribed time frame followed by a live webinar (on a specific date/time) format which will allow additional information as well an opportunity to interact with Breeda and ask questions directly.  Two events to support caregivers.
  2. Live program - either virtual or in person

Take a Break Before You Break: Strategies for Family Caregivers

Program Type: Keynote Program  |  Virtual or In-Person

Length:  1 hour

Topic Areas: Burnout prevention, Self care, Wellness, Stress reduction

Description: A dynamic program that engages audience members with stories and creative solutions to the everyday challenges of caregiving. Breeda's approach inspires audiences to take action and commit to improved self-care. The message is that self-care isn’t selfish – it is survival.  Using funny and memorable props, Breeda uses a light-hearted approach to tackle serious issues.

Using compelling storytelling as a framework, Breeda presents actionable ideas that participants will remember long after the event is over. Breeda's unique approach resonates and inspires action.  An engaging, fun and high impact program.

In addition to her presentation, you may include a copy of her award winning book, The Caregiver Coffeebreak for each participant.

Audiences: This program is ideal for:

  • Not for profit organizations seeking supportive programming
  • Senior Living organizations supporting family caregivers or families of residents
  • Senior Living organizations looking for ways to reach and connect with family caregivers
  • Hospice organizations seeking to offer an engaging and innovative program to support families
  • Health care organizations

Looking to hire Breeda?

Keynote Speaker | Workshop Leader | Storyteller

For information about hiring Breeda to speak at your event, please Contact Breeda or visit for more information.

"What a wonderful presentation. Breeda gave us a glimpse of this with some light humor, that was so very needed for some in the audience, whom were knee-deep in caregiving."

Julie Boyd, MA, LPC

Huron Counseling Services

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