
DISCLAIMER: Breeda Miller does not provide medical or legal advice or services. Rather, Breeda Miller provides general information about self-care as a service to the community. The information provided on our website is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider and does not replace the advice of medical, legal or educational professionals. Breeda Miller has not validated and is not responsible for any information, events, or services provided by third parties.

Support for Specific Needs

Mental Health

Support Programs

Organizations to Join

Volunteering Opportunities

  • Local animal shelter
  • Local library
  • Food pantry
  • Community services
  • Arts programs (theater, music, art)
  • Meals on Wheels

Things to Do

  • Create a family memory album / digital books -
  • Transfer old film and video to DVD -
  • Make a fidget blanket or apron - Pinterest
  • Make a favorite family recipe with an elder - even if you end up doing most of the cooking.  A treat for the senses, the memory, and the tummy.
  • Create a vision board - cut and paste fun
  • Build a Spotify or Pandora playlist of favorite music.  Easy to access when you need it.
  • Make a video interview (live or via Zoom) of an older member of your family.  Ask five questions about their life as a child or a teen.
  • Make a simple raised garden with four or five vegetable plants
  • Reimagine an old piece of furniture as something new - a dollhouse or a table
  • Take a class on something completely new for you.
  • Make room!  Declutter and keep only your favorites.
  • Go for a walk in the woods or nearby nature preserve.

Books to Read

Favorite Podcasts

Free Downloads from Breeda

Caregiver Toolkit

Whether you purchase them on line, borrow from friends or ask for them from your medical provider, this list can help you keep ahead of the situations that may arise.

Farm It Out!

Here’s a list of a various jobs handled as a caregiver. Take a look and see which tasks you can hand off to someone else, so you can get some valuable rest and recovery.

Respite Care

Respite refers to a short time of rest or relief. There are many settings in which respite care can be provided. This list explains the types of respite care available.

Movies & TV Shows

Keep this list of Breeda's picks for funny movies and TV shows to help you in the library or when you are scrolling lists to find something to lighten up your day.

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