I have finally discovered the secret to life. Through the wise words of Mark Scharenbroich CSP, CPAE I now understand an essential truth. It has appeared as an innocent disclaimer printed on countless ticket stubs throughout my lifetime. It was there all the time, I just never noticed it. It never registered in my too busy to-do list filled life. Here it is – brace yourself. “You must be present to win”. That’s it. It’s that simple and that profound. I have heard that 80% of success in life is about just showing up. But you have to do more than just show up – you must be present. Physically, mentally and emotionally. You can’t just go through the motions and tick off the boxes. So, for 2016 give yourself a present, make sure you are present whatever you do, wherever you go. Look into the eyes of the people you speak with, put down your device and talk with your family, make a date to visit with your elderly relatives and take the time to listen. Be present, it’s the best gift you will ever give yourself. Thanks Mark – Nice bike.
The Secret to Life
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