I have an iphone and I love it. It is an amazing device that allows me to to do so many things, be connected to so many people and learn new things everyday. It is a workhorse. Funny thing, this hard working little machine needs to be charged EVERY DAY! Imagine that, it goes and goes and goes and then when the battery run out of juice, it. just. stops. I accept that, I understand that and I don’t resent it or think less of my little friend. In fact, I take great pains to allow my phone to recharge – I have a cord in my car, at my bedside and at work. I know where I can re-charge in many public places – without shame.
This essential tool is important to me and I do my best to take care of it, I have a protective case and I don’t leave it out in the rain. When I look at my phone, one of the first things I notice is the little battery icon in the upper corner. I smile when it is over 50%. As it gets lower, I feel a bit uncomfortable, thinking – I need to be sure I can charge this little bugger soon. Should I be out and about and see the dreaded RED bar and realize that I am at less than 5 % power, I have been known to have an internal freak out. My phone needs to be charged and it demands to be charged. It is not optional. If my phone were a person, we would say it was just selfish, needed to take time to charge it’s battery! Why do you think they call it an iPhone?- it’s all about taking care of itself and it gives plenty of warnings.
Are we no less valuable than our phones? Do we need to get a little bar tattooed on our hands or a device like a Mood Ring to tell us when we are running low and need to recharge ourselves? Self care is often considered selfish or indulgent. Taking time to get a massage, go for a walk, read a novel, work out, meditate, knit, color, take a hot bath or the ultimate – a midday nap – is something that we all need to give ourselves permission to do. It is not selfish. It is about survival. When you are caring for other people, it is so easy to put your needs on the back burner. But if your battery runs out of juice and you become ill or even just tired and irritable – everybody loses. Martyrs don’t make good caregivers. Take care of yourself, charge your own battery.