Caregiver Coffeebreak

Helping Caregivers Carry On

The Caregiver Coffeebreak with Breeda Miller is a soft spot to land for both professional and family caregivers. The Caregiver Coffeebreak provides inspiration, support, and information for caregivers through a breezy tip book, short engaging videos, a private online community and a series of videos and interviews with fascinating experts. Allow yourself a few minutes to relax, pour yourself a cuppa and Take a Break - Before You Break.

The Caregiver Coffeebreak is a supportive resource available to you - wherever you may be.

  • The Videos - A series of engaging videos featuring stories, tips, and encouragement for caregivers.
  • The Books - Two breezy tip books filled with clever ideas, helpful resources and distilled wisdom designed to support caregivers and others.  A new book, Take a Break Before You Break designed for anyone who needs creative ideas or inspiration to actually take a break.
  • Coloring Journal - a compact journal (5" x 7") with a page for stress-reducing coloring alongside lined pages for journaling.  Take along to appointments and color while you wait and then take notes during the appointment.  Comes with a petite set of coloring pencils.
  • Facebook Page - The Caregiver Coffeebreak,  curated to provide links to helpful articles, inspiring stories or funny memes and cartoons.
  • The Newsletter - More like an occasional update with a fresh video or blog post.  When you sign up for the email list (never shared or sold to others) you will also receive my free helpful downloads, PDFs featuring Chuckle Up - lists of funny movies and TV shows to watch, a Farm It Out sheet to help organize support,  A Respite Care Info Sheet and a Caregiver Tool Kit to help with organization.


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Take a Break Before You Break Book

Today's Caregiver magazine recently awarded Take a Break Before You Break their 2021 Caregiver Friend Award.


Breeda's Blog

2020 Year of the Bubble

silhouette of woman in front of a wall of bubbles

Word of the Year So many words come to mind to describe this year. Certainly the most challenging year I’ve ever experienced and I think that’s true for most of us. The one word that describes this year to me…

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Can You Relate?

Feeling as rough as I look It’s been a week hasn’t it? I was just exhausted, overwhelmed and the weather change did a number on me. I had the worst migraine I can remember – really horrible and so bad…

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What’s Your Story?

Breeda Miller at her computer discovering something fun on line

Crazy things happen when you put your hand up and say, YES.   I attended a conference in Canada and had the opportunity to record an inspirational story and have it submitted to an array of social media video platforms.  I…

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Is it Naptime yet?

Breeda taking a nap on the porch sofa with a dog pillow an dog foot warmer.

Is it Naptime Yet? When was the last time you asked that question? My kids never asked me and they resisted when I told that it was naptime, mostly because I needed a rest. As a caregiver, no one is going to tell you it’s naptime. No one is going to give you permission to take a nap.

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How do you Care for the Caregiver? Four Ideas.

Pug in a bed wrapped in an old blanket.

Invisible Pain. The pain is real, the scars run deep. Depression, grief, loneliness, anxiety – they are far too common and often unrecognized. For Caregivers – these issues impact those in their care as well as themselves. It’s a double whammy that is often ignored.

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Mental Agility – The greatest gift you give yourself.

An old yellow train engine with the name The Scenic Route

Cultivating mental agility improves your quality of life and your work. Savvy travelers know that being flexible is essential and successful caregivers know it too.

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Life on the Caregiver Rollercoaster

Woman looking at sillhousette of a roller coaster at sunset

LIfe as a caregiver is like life on a rollercoaster. Everyday is filled with ups and downs and sometimes you want to throw up.

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The World Turns Upside Down

Breeda taking a nap on the porch sofa with a dog pillow an dog foot warmer.

By Breeda Miller The world turns upside down when the caregiver becomes the patient. Last week I had a routine colonoscopy. No problems, just an adult thing to do and I dreaded it. I got the LARGE container of prep…

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So, You Call Yourself A Caregiver….or not?

Helping hands on a walk together.

Maybe you don’t.  Who decides whether you are a Caregiver? I’ve spoken to so many people caring and worrying about their aging frail parents who say, “But I’m not a caregiver.  Mom doesn’t live with me”.  Yet, they worry about their…

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